Sunday, May 8, 2011

Coming out of my closet

My whole life I've always been the TomBoy... I'm the girl who had pixi cuts, loved getting dirty and got along with all the boys. As I got to college, I've slowly gotten more confortable at the idea of being "girly". Though my terms of "girly" is nothing compared to the girls on "The Hills".

I realized I had a problem when my boyfriend said to me one day
"You know you have a dresser filled with only make-up??"

Right then and there I realized that I had a problem. I actually DO have a dresser filled with make-up. So now I've come to the conclusion of sharing my guilty pleasure of Make-up, Beauty, shoes and purses with the world. Even though I would still choose my rainbows, shorts and ponytail over my Louboutins and a dress.

So bear with me everyone. Love my stuff, Hate my stuff, Envy my stuff... it's all good.

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