Sunday, May 8, 2011

What's in this Bitch's Purse??

I swear I'm so damn addicted to these videos on YouTube. I am always so curious what a chick carries in her purse. Well here's a picture image of what I have in mine. Nothing out of the ordinary. I think...
Purse: LV Monogram Speedy 35 - Bought in my trip to Paris last summer at the flagship store on Champs-Elysees.
1. iPhone 3GS - If ain't broken I'm not gna upgrade.
2. Cash
3. HandBac - B&BW
4. Mints
5. Victoria's Secret Bombshell Perfume - Incase we make it to a strong smelling restaurant for dinner, i do not like smelling like what I eat.
6. V. bradley ID case
7. Zyrtec
8. NYX Matte lip cream - Fuchsia
9. Sharpies + Pens
10. Bow clip for bangs
11. Random bracelet
12. Purse pet - TIMMY!
13. LV Wallet - Bought from eBay, therefore not sure of authenticity (sorry?)
14. Memo pad

Fashion: Summery Whites

When you live in a state like Florida... the weather doesn't give you much to explore with your style. Mainly because we only have to seasons... hot & hotter. So when I walked into H&M and saw their cotton "Conscious Collection" I was PSYCHED!! It's hard not to sweat here and finding a collection that is light & airy! I was all for it. Here are only some* of the items I picked out. This is my first fashion post so I'm still exploring on how to take pics of clothes... bear with me please (^_^)

Back zipper detail. Definitely cute on a simple crop top
LOVING: the crochet detail on the bottom
Pillowy peasant top
beautiful lace detail by the pits'
My BFF calls these "rich people pants"...idk why but it's a high waisted, ever so soft, polyester shorts. Ideal for summer!
A summer splurge... the Givenchy Nightingale. I'm always so scared to carry it incase it gets dirty :(
The leather is so damn soft. Definitely softer than my buttcheek.

Review: YSL Rouge Volupté (#2)

The amount of times of which I have walked into a Sephora and lusted over this lipstick and the amount of times I've placed this in my online shopping bag is just unbelievable. I could have never justified paying $34 just for a damn lipstick... I swear my ass kept going back and forth having arguments with myself whether to splurge or not. It is not the money that I care about... it's more of the I-don't-wan't-to-regret-it-because-it-sucks.

I spent relentless hours reading reviews and help from my fav blogger Pink ( via twitter and now I am never going back.

Beautiful Packaging

Great Formula
How can you resist?

It is simply smooth, silky, creamy and dreamy! It glides on perfect just like a condom over a kielbasa. I am a total convert and must say that the price is definitely justified. If there was ever an award for chapped lips... I'd win every time. I've been dehydrated my whole life and chapped lips is something I'm just so used to. But dare I say using this lipstick with a base of burt's bees??? Not chapped for a good 5 hours. That's a RECORD

rating 5/5 Easy.

Coming out of my closet

My whole life I've always been the TomBoy... I'm the girl who had pixi cuts, loved getting dirty and got along with all the boys. As I got to college, I've slowly gotten more confortable at the idea of being "girly". Though my terms of "girly" is nothing compared to the girls on "The Hills".

I realized I had a problem when my boyfriend said to me one day
"You know you have a dresser filled with only make-up??"

Right then and there I realized that I had a problem. I actually DO have a dresser filled with make-up. So now I've come to the conclusion of sharing my guilty pleasure of Make-up, Beauty, shoes and purses with the world. Even though I would still choose my rainbows, shorts and ponytail over my Louboutins and a dress.

So bear with me everyone. Love my stuff, Hate my stuff, Envy my stuff... it's all good.